README File for SOSpin Library Distribution
SOSpin (one reads it as a single word “sospin”), with the purpose to calculate
the decomposition of the Yukawa interactions invariants on SO(2N) groups in terms
of the SU(N) subgroup. The program also includes specific functions to address
the SO(10).
The latest release of SOSpin is available from:
the file is like sospin-x.x.x.tar.gz
Installing the library involves running
1. a) ./configure --prefix=library_installation_path --with-form=FORM_path
b) ./configure --prefix=library_installation_path
the user can omit the FORM path declaration and set it after using
export PATH_TO_FORM=FORM_path
or put the binary FORM file in the folder where the user has its project.
also, you can skip the --prefix command, however the installation will be in
system default directories
2. make
3. make install (if you don't use --prefix command you need to run this with
root privileges in UNIX)
4. make doxygen-doc (optional, generate SOSpin library documentation)
FORM Installation:
Symbolic Manipulation System FORM to final expression simplifications.
The FORM binary package file can be downloaded in,
after accepting the license agreement.
After accepting the license agreement, click in binaries link and then click in
the executable for your system:
- Linux 32-bits
- Linux 64-bits
- 32-bits version for the Cygwin UNIX emulator under Windows
- Apple
There are two binaries for UNIX and Apple computers, one for sequential (form)
and other for multi-threaded (tform).
You can choose anyone.
IMPORTANT: If you choose the multi-threaded version please rename the binary
executable name to "form".
In UNIX you have to turn the execution flag on form,
chmod +x form
To remove the installed library do: make uninstall
If you have installed the library in the system you also need to run the command
with root privileges.
Using the library and Compiling
Using the Library:
There are several code examples in the examples folder which come with the
SOSpin library.
Linking code with the library in Linux:
g++ −O3 −I/library_installation_path/include −L/library_installation_path/lib \
example.cpp −o example −lsospin
Note: if you didn't use the --prefix option, the compilation will be more easy,
g++ -O3 example.cpp -o example -lsospin
and in the code use
#include <sospin/son.h>
and if using SO(10) specific functions:
#include <sospin/tools/so10.h>
Using the specific functions or symbols within the constant part of Braket
pure imaginary: i_
delta function: d_(...,...)
levi-civita tensor: e_(...,...,...)
square root: sqrt(...)
Nuno Cardoso (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), <nuno.cardoso[AT]>
David Emmanuel-Costa (IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal), <david.costa[AT]>
Nuno Gonçalves (ISR, University of Coimbra, Portugal), <nunogon[AT]>
Catarina Simões (IFPA, Université de Liège, Belgium), <csimoes[AT]>