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SOSpin  1.0.0
son.cpp File Reference

Main Sospin header file. Includes C++ macros, to simplify expression writing, B operator, Verbosity level and memory usage. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "son.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ios>
#include <fstream>

Go to the source code of this file.




void sospin::setDim (int n)
 Set the group dimension. More...
int sospin::getDim ()
 Get the group dimension. More...
bool sospin::GroupEven ()
 Return Group parity. More...
void sospin::CleanGlobalDecl ()
 Clean all indexes and function declarations. More...
void sospin::setVerbosity (Verbosity verb)
 Set verbosity level. More...
Verbosity sospin::getVerbosity ()
 Return current verbosity level. More...
Braket sospin::Bop (string startid)
 Operator B, "charge conjugation" matrix for SO(2N) spinor representations. More...
Braket sospin::BopIdnum ()
 Operator B, charge conjugation matrix for SO(2N) spinor representations. More...
ostream & sospin::operator<< (ostream &out, const Verbosity &a)
 Return current ostream verbosity level. More...
size_t sospin::getPeakRSS ()
 Gets highest (peak) value so far for resident set size (RSS) - physical memory use. More...
size_t sospin::getCurrentRSS ()
 Gets current resident set size (RSS) - physical memory use. More...
void sospin::print_process_mem_usage ()
 Prints memory stats (current and peak resident set size) in MB. More...

Detailed Description

Main Sospin header file. Includes C++ macros, to simplify expression writing, B operator, Verbosity level and memory usage.

Definition in file son.cpp.