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SOSpin  1.0.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 so10.hSpecific functions for SO(10) group
 braket.hDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Braket
 dlist.hDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class DList
 form.hFunctions and tables to use with FORM program
 index.hFunctions and cointainer for indices
 progressStatus.hSpecific functions progress status bar
 son.hMain Sospin header file. Includes C++ macros, to simplify expression writing, B operator, Verbosity level and memory usage
 timer.hDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Timer
 so10.cppSpecific functions for SO(10) group
 braket.cppDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Braket
 dlist.cppDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class DList
 form.cppFunctions and tables to use with FORM program
 index.cppFunctions and cointainer for indexes
 progressStatus.cppSpecific functions progress status bar
 son.cppMain Sospin header file. Includes C++ macros, to simplify expression writing, B operator, Verbosity level and memory usage
 timer.cppDefintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Timer