file | braket.h [code] |
| Defintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Braket.
file | dlist.h [code] |
| Defintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class DList.
file | enum.h [code] |
| Enumerators.
file | form.h [code] |
| Functions and tables to use with FORM program.
file | index.h [code] |
| Functions and cointainer for indices.
file | progressStatus.h [code] |
| Specific functions progress status bar.
file | son.h [code] |
| Main Sospin header file. Includes C++ macros, to simplify expression writing, B operator, Verbosity level and memory usage.
file | timer.h [code] |
| Defintions for all general (initialisation etc.) routines of class Timer.